1. if you won the title of miss america, what would your platform be?
World Peace
2. outdoorsy or indoorsy?
outdoorsy if the bugs will leave me alone but I'm pretty sure everybody else would say I'm definitely indoorsy!
3. pajama's out in public..classy or tres tacky?
4. what's your favorite room in your house?
Living Room just because that's the only place besides my bedroom to sit
5. nook, kindle, or book?
I really wanted a nook or a kindle but never bought one so I would have to say book
6. would you rather wear the same outfit for a week or not brush your teeth for a week?
Same outfit
7. what's your favorite blog at the moment?
Kelly's Korner
Megan at Its a wonderful life
8. lately i've been daydreaming about.........?
Having all my credit cards paid off
Thanksgiving 2019
5 years ago
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