I'm having a hard time finding a website to resize pictures and then upload them to blogger
EASILY!! I don't want to have to go thru a million steps to get them back on blogger. Please help me if you have figured out an easy way. I tried Flickr and it was easy but once I got them in a post they were teeny tiny and it wouldn't let me make them bigger. I tried tinypic as well but didn't like it at all!! I'm gonna keep looking on google for help and see how far that gets me!
I had a hard time too and then finally realized i can use flickr. you have to upload them to it first (i ended getting a pro account but its only like $25.00 a year) and you can use the html code with different sizes.
Its also great because if anyone wants to copy your picture it automatically gives you credit since its your copyright :)
I think photobucket might have something similar too.
hope this helps :)
Thanks!! I'm gonna try to photobucket and see if that's any easier. I thought Flickr was going to work great but still cant get the pictures lined up the way I want and the size I want once I put them in a post. I might try putting them in 1 at a time and see if that helps...just a lot more time consuming!
I ended up using picresize.com and it was super easy!! I could upload multiple pictures at a time and then save them to my computer.....super easy for me to resize and then also put them in a blog post!!
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