Today, while I was at work, myself and one of the Doctors had a little conversation and I thought it was so funny!
Dr: Krystal, you look tired
Krystal: Yeah, I didn't sleep very well last night. It was hot in my apartment
Dr: You have central air?
Krystal: No just a window unit and I was cold so I turned it off and just turned the fan up
Dr: (totally serious) Oh that is not good. Krystal you need to get a new apartment. One with central air
Krystal: (laughing) Yeah, I'm working on it
Ok, so maybe you had to be there for it to be funny! He has an accent and that is what makes it way more funny. He is one of my favorites and is always asking how I am and so on and so forth. Very, very nice doctor, we are really lucky to have him!!
So, yeah, a new apartment would be nice and I plan on it soon........just one tiny little pesky test away from it!! No TV tonight, just studying, uploaded some pictures, did my blog thing then back to reading!
Thanksgiving 2019
5 years ago
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